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Who we Are

The face behind The Dutch Investors

Our mission

"Helping you find and understand the best companies in the world." - The Dutch Investors


We are committed to delivering high-quality analysis through our in-depth stock analysis.


Our principle is clear: quality over quantity.


Each team member dedicates at least 30 hours to researching a single company per month, ensuring comprehensive and detailed insights.


We produce four deep-dive analyses monthly!

The Dutch Investors Fundamental Analyses

Our approach

Fundamental Analysis

To analyze and find quality companies, we are looking for companies that meet our five quality requirements.


These quality requirements are based on the wisdom of our personal heroes Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, Nick Sleep and Guy Spier.

  • Circle of competence: We seek companies that are easy to understand.


  • Competitive advantage: We seek companies with a sustainable competitive advantage that is difficult to replicate.


  • Great management: We seek companies where management is highly skilled at capital allocation and has enough skin in the game.


  • Financial health: We seek companies that are financially strong, with acceptable debt levels and plenty of growth potential.


  • Valuation: We seek companies where we don't overpay, minimizing risk and maximizing potential returns.


Through this approach, we fill your portfolio with the best companies in the world.

The Dutch Investors Quality Logo

Quality over quantity guarantee

Ensure a minimum of 30 hours of research for each analysis.


Release a new audio analysis every Monday morning.


Analyses of high-quality companies within our circle of competence.


Have three pairs of eyes review the quality of each analysis.

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